AGREM Meeting Information

Resources (Alphabetical by Topic)

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Click (or touch) a Subject Area below to display the available resources.

Click (or touch) a Subject Area to display the related information and resources.

AGREM Municipalities

Click (or touch) the Borough or Township name to open their municipal website in a new window.

Amateur Radio / Ham Radio

Amateur Radio (Ham) operators provide supplemental communication services when requested by emergency management officials or by public event coordinators.

Volunteers provide support during disasters, major weather events, and important training exercises. They also support non-emergency public events such as bike tours and races, running events, canoe challenges, and festivals or other large gatherings.

Local Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) teams are designated by the ARRL, the national organization for amateur radio operators.

Volunteer Organizations

The links below are for various organizations that require volunteers. Some of these require specific training and certifications, while others will provide the necessary training.

Last updated on 28-January-2025